I'm excited to start work on a new reality show (now in production all across the United States) currently titled "The Demon Files" which I have just signed up for. I will be responsible for creating the show open, including it's title logo, motion graphic design, and editorial. I am also tasked with creating the show's bumpers, transitions, and perhaps most interestingly, the visual effects for the show's re-creatiions of demonic sightings, ghost hauntings and "Shadow people" reported by the show's subjects. Stay tuned!
Anti News "Saturn's Rings" Parody (Full Episode)
I created this visual effect shot for a friend's parody newscast, the Anti News dealing with the until-recently top secret information that Saturn's rings are made of Earth's garbage (this portion starts at approximately 01:41). Originally, I was just going to use Cassini spacecraft imagery for Saturn, but the snap-zoom into the rings wasn't good enough, so I created a 3D Saturn to make the zoom transition better (This is an update from the previous post showing the graphic in context to the episode).
2014 Fall Motion Graphics Reel
Our 2014 Fall Season Motion Graphics Reel containing some of our newest stuff like the Mr. Peabody & Sherman Trailers, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 TV Spots, Percy Jackson DVD Bonus Features Title, and much more!
Cereality Colonial Virtual Set
Green Screen Plate
Final Composite with the 3D Colonial-Era Virtual Set
An example of a virtual set that I researched, designed and created in 3D for the Disney/Kelloggs/Got Milk? collaborative online web series, Cereality; The History of Breakfast. Each episode took place in a different era and took on a particular problem that certain periods in history struggled through in getting a good breakfast. It was a comedy, of course. I also tracked and color matched the green screen plates with the actors into these scenes.
"Saturn's Rings" Newscast Parody Graphic
A visual effect shot (VFX) I created for a friend's parody newscast, the Anti-News dealing with the until-recently top secret information that Saturn's rings are made of Earth's garbage. Originally, I was just going to use Cassini spacecraft imagery for Saturn, but the snap-zoom into the rings wasn't good enough, so I created a 3D Saturn to make the zoom transition better.
2014 Motion Graphics Reel
New 2014 Motion Graphics Reel. Enjoy!
Epic :30 TV Spot
The "Ice Age 4" opening pedigree graphic in this spot was a lot harder to create than it looks! I needed to re-arrange the character elements, change the aspect ratio of the frame, add water (seamlessly) and track the iceberg element to add the Ice Age title. Whoof! I also creatively directed the graphics team at Toy Box on this spot.
Looper: Putting the Puzzle Together
A Main Title/Opening transition I created for a Looper DVD Bonus Feature at Toy Box for Sony Pictures Home Entertainment that leads us into the first cut.
Note: There is no audio on this graphic.
Looper: The Science of Time Travel - DVD Featurette
A DVD Featurette included on the Looper DVD. This piece features interviews with writer/director Ryan Johnson, Brian Clegg, author of "How To Build a Time Machine", and the cast including Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt. I was very pleased with how the graphics and titles came out.
Cereality Visual Effects
Supermom averts a coffee disaster by inventing solid ice latte's.
Supermom isn't above hypnotizing her husband to subject the family to her will.
Supermom freezing time for her family and getting her way, again.
Some silly visual effects I created for Cereality: Supermom and the Breakfast Breakdown. The Cereality series was an online webisode collaboration for Disney, Kelloggs and the Got Milk? campaign solving breakfast problems through the power of cereal and milk. Yes, it was a humorous public service offering.